When You Give
What happens when you give to La Jornada?
When you make a donation to La Jornada, a few things happen. If you've given us your e-mail address and mailing address, you'll be added to our e-mail update newsletter that goes out quarterly. You'll also receive a Christmas card from us and the occasional letter.
If you sign up to give monthly or make a onetime donation of more than $200, we'll send you a sponsor card for one of the guys. It will have their picture and more information about who they are and what they are studying. If you'd like, you can stay in touch with them on Facebook or other social media platforms.
Thanks you for your interest in the lives of the young men who are studying at La Jornada! Most of them do not have family support (or any family at all), so knowing that there are people in Canada and the United States who are supporting them and thinking about them means a lot!